[Dwarf-discuss] enumeration and byte size in dwarf2

Goud Stephane-r57256 stephane.goud
Wed Aug 3 09:17:04 GMT 2005

Hello to everyone in the list,
I have a question on dwarf2 format (surprising right?) about enumerations support.
For some enumerations in the file I have, I get a DW_TAG_enumeration which has an attribute DW_AT_byte_size set to 2.
Then this entry is followed by the children entries representing the enumeration literal with the tag DW_TAG_enumerator.
Each entry has a DW_AT_const_value attribute and what is surprising to me is that it has an encoding type set to DW_FORM_data8.
I also have the case with an enum defined with DW_AT_byte_size = 1 and the DW_AT_const_value using DW_FORM_data4 or DW_FORM_data2.
I would like to understand how we can come to such case i.e. having the enumeration defined to be stored on X bytes and the children values defined on Y bytes
with Y > X (in fact I was expecting Y == X).
Any clue of what could be the root cause of this?
Thank you for your help
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