[Dwarf-discuss] Draft 9.1, Minor typos and re-phrasings

Bishop, John E john.e.bishop
Thu Jun 2 17:13:54 GMT 2005

Using Draft 9.1:

p 20, section 2.5

The bullet points should be followed by a blank
line, as they are in Draft 9.

p 20, section 2.5.1

Point 2 has "encodes the name of a register", when
the code is a LEB128 and thus a _number_.

p 21, section 2.5.3

The example for "DW_OP_fbreg -50" has the op-code
"OPBREG31".  Presumably this is really "DW_OP_breg31"

p 45, section, last line

"However, it is not required that .... are owned..."
Should be "...be owned...".

p 48, section 3.7

"The first sibling of each try block entry will be a catch block entry"

Presumably this is the corresponding entry, and "a catch block
entry" should be replaced by "its catch block entry".

p 49, section 4.1, bullet 3

"...which indicates that this entry..."  
Should be "...which indicates whether this entry..."

p 50, section 4.1, bullet 10
"One way...is for a formal parameter...a call that is inlined"
Should be "One way..is a formal parameter...a particular 
inlined call"

p 59, section 5.6.1

Mostly the draft uses "...is a child of...", but here (and in
some other places, I believe) it uses "...is owned by...".

If they mean the same thing, only one phrase should be used.
If they mean something different, they should be defined 


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