[Dwarf-discuss] Using CFI to end a backtrace

Daniel Jacobowitz drow
Fri Mar 4 16:21:56 GMT 2005

Several times recently I have wanted a "clean" way to indicate to GDB
that a backtrace was over - give up, go away, nothing more to see here.
This is useful in startup code, kernel exception handlers, et cetera.
There's no immediately obvious way to use .debug_frame for this;
however, it seems to me that marking the return address column as
DW_CFA_undefined should do what I want.  If we can't find the return
address, then there's no point in unwinding further.

Does this interpretation make sense?  If so, should it be documented,
so that others don't need to reinvent it?

Daniel Jacobowitz
CodeSourcery, LLC

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