[Dwarf-discuss] tag nesting question

Michael Eager eager
Thu Dec 21 19:27:45 GMT 2006

Chris Quenelle wrote:

> I think it's a little odd that g++ uses DW_TAG_structure to
> represent classes instead of DW_TAG_class.  I know they
> are basically equivalent in C++, but it would be nice to
> say that only DW_TAG_class could contain DW_TAG_member.

DW_TAG_structure, DW_TAG_class, and DW_TAG_union are all
essentially identical.  It might be reasonable to deprecate
the latter two TAGS.

> I've been working on converting dwarf to XML with the intention
> of being able to use XML schemas to do the consistency checking
> (then you could easily have different sub-schemas for different
> compilers)
> Some examples of my experiments are here:
> http://blogs.sun.com/quenelle/entry/dwarf_and_xml

Interesting.  A consistency checker would be a great tool.

(Let's not look at converting DWARF to XML.  :-)
Even with about 300Gb, I still run out of disk space.)

Michael Eager	 eager at eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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