[Dwarf-discuss] asmlinkage directive with debug_line ?

Michael Eager eager
Fri Oct 6 18:28:56 GMT 2006

Jun Koi wrote:
> Hi,
> Anybody please tell me why asmlinkage directive in Linux kernel code
> makes its content disappear from debug_line section?
> I compiled Linux kernel, and found that in a file with several
> asmlinkage directives (like sys_read() in fs/read_write.c), many lines
> are not listed in debug_line at all. Why that happened? And in that
> case, how can a debugger solve the problem of reasoning to the source
> code in a syscall?

The DWARF mailing list is for discussions about the DWARF
Debugging Standard, not about details of how a particular compiler
or debugger implement the standard.

Possibly someone on the GCC mailing list can offer
some answer to your question.

One first suggestion I would have is that you compile
the source in question and take a look at the assembly
code which the compiler generates.

Michael Eager	 eager at eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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