[Dwarf-Discuss] DW_FORM_ref_sig8 value

Cary Coutant ccoutant@gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 21:55:19 GMT 2010

> Is it intentional that DW_FORM_ref_sig8 has value 0x20 rather than 0x1a
> (when the last earlier one is DW_FORM_flag_present with value 0x19)?
> I guess it is too late now to change it, just wanted to point that out.
> Will DWARF5 DW_FORM_* codes fill the gap 0x1a .. 0x1f, or will they start
> from 0x21? ?So far we have plenty of unassigned form codes before reaching
> something needing larger uleb128 encoding, so it is probably not a big deal.

It's more likely that someone (umm... meaning me) can't add correctly
in hex. In my defense, you're the first to notice!

Let's just say that we reserved those other FORM codes for future use.
We've already got code committed in gcc, binutils, and gdb using 0x20.


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