[Dwarf-Discuss] [PING] [RFC] content of DW_AT_name for template instantiations

Dodji Seketeli dodji@redhat.com
Tue Jun 7 14:56:10 GMT 2011

Jason Merrill <jason at redhat.com> writes:

> I do think it makes sense to change the sections you mention, but I'd
> add the text as a clarifying note in italics rather than call it an
> exception.

OK.  I have thus amended the proposal as below.

In section "5.5.8 Class Template Instantiation", the following
clarifying note in italics would be added:

    The value of the DW_AT_name attribute of the entry representing the
    class template instantiation is a null terminated string that contains
    the simple name of the template, without any template argument.

In section "3.3.7 Function Template Instantiation", this similar
clarifying note in italics would be added:

    The value of the DW_AT_name attribute of the entry representing
    the function template instantiation is a null terminated string
    that contains the simple name of the template, without any
    template argument.



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