[Dwarf-Discuss] DW_AT_entry_pc vs DW_AT_ranges

Mark Wielaard mjw@redhat.com
Wed May 2 11:46:54 GMT 2012


I was looking at when GCC produces a DW_AT_entry_pc attribute for a
function DIE that has DW_AT_ranges. It always generates one for a
DW_TAG_inlined_subprogram if the first address in the ranges represents
the first instruction of the original subprogram that is inlined here.

This seems reasonable since in those cases the compiler knows that
address really is the first executable instruction within the range of
addresses as the standard describes. And it allows you to select those
inlined_subprograms that represent all the places where you would want
to put a breakpoint at to catch any "call" of the original subprogram
even when inlined. If only parts of a function is inlined it won't get a
DW_AT_entry_pc and you wouldn't select it.

So two questions about this.

1) Since GCC only emits DW_AT_entry_pc for DW_TAG_subroutine if the
first ranges address corresponds to the instructions of the original
function entry point some consumers now seem to depend on selecting
inlined subprograms that way to pick up all inlined copies that
represent a "call" of the original subprogram. Is there a better way to
express this relationship?

2) That the first DW_AT_ranges address equals the DW_AT_entry_pc address
seems to be a common occurrence. It makes sense the compiler outputs the
ranges in low-to-high address order. But that means the encoding of
DW_AT_entry_pc as a relocatable address is somewhat inefficient. Would
it make sense to add a special form for this situation? Define that
DW_AT_entry_pc can either be of class address or flag. And if it is of
class flag, then when present the address of DW_AT_entry_pc corresponds
to the first address found in DW_AT_ranges.



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