[Dwarf-Discuss] modeling different address spaces

Michael Eager eager@eagercon.com
Thu Jul 16 18:21:44 GMT 2020

On 7/16/20 10:26 AM, John DelSignore via Dwarf-Discuss wrote:
> FYI, Tony Tye and his team at AMD created a DWARF Proposal for heterogeneous debugging, which is generally useful but required to debug optimized code for GPUs. It directly addresses the issue of how to model different address spaces and makes location descriptions first-class objects that can be push onto the evaluation stack.
> https://llvm.org/docs/AMDGPUDwarfProposalForHeterogeneousDebugging.html
> AFAIK, these changes will be made to LLVM and there is interest in adding to the DWARF standard eventually.

As mentioned in the past, I would be pleased to see proposals submitted 
for these changes.

I would like to avoid the situation where we have an informal proposal 
lacking specific changes to the DWARF standard, matched with an 
implementation which claims to match the proposal.  That's the opposite 
of standardization.

Michael Eager

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