[Dwarf-Discuss] What to do with Pascal properties?

Joost van der Sluis joost@cnoc.nl
Fri May 28 14:11:01 GMT 2021

Hi all,

I am one of the Free Pascal developers and also work on a debugger, 
aimed towards Free Pascal.

Now in Pascal there are 'properties'. Maybe you know these from c# which 
has something alike. Basically a property is an alias in a structure 
that links to other members of the same structure for reading, writing 
and/or storage-information.


     FProp: Integer;
     FPropIsStored: Boolean;
     function GetProp: Integer;
     function GetItem(const Index: Integer): string;
     property IndividualItem[Index: Integer]: string read GetItem;
     property Prop: Integer read GetProp stored FPropIsStored;
     property OtherProp: Integer read FProp write FProp;
     property Item2: string index 2 read GetItem;

   MyClass = TMyClass;

Reading MyClass.Prop effectively calls GetProp.

MyClass.Prop is read-only, and during streaming the information in 
FPropIsStored is being used.

MyClass.OtherProp is read/write, and is more or less an alias for the 
private FProp field.

MyClass.IndividualItem[6] is accessible like it is an array. And Item2 
has a fixed index.

I want to encode this propery into the Dwarf debug-information. At this 
moment we only generate debug-information for cases similar to 
MyClass.OtherProp by duplicating the debug-information of FProp with 
another visibility-class.

I've added the following attributes:
   DW_AT_FPC_property_read (0x3230)
   DW_AT_FPC_property_write (0x3231)
   DW_AT_FPC_property_stored (0x3232)

And then those attributes contain a link to the corresponding 
DW_TAG_members. This to keep the debug-information as compact as 
possible. Furthermore I've added the tag DW_TAG_FPC_property (0x4230) or 
else other debuggers may be confused when they encounter a DW_TAG_member 
with only one or more of these specific fpc-attributes.

I'll also have to add something like DW_AT_FPC_property_index to store 
the value of a fixed index.

I have two questions:
1. Am I on the good track, or did I miss something?
2. Maybe implementation specific, but maybe someone might have an idea: 
to generate the proposed debug-info, I need to add a label to every 
DW_TAG_member. Using global labels inside these structures though, may 
lead to all kinds of troubles, for example when a linker regards these 
labels as the start of a new section. Or on Darwin/macOS. Calculating 
the location of these tags is in principle possible I think, but 
difficult. Any tips here?

This is a dwarfdump of the class-definition above with my current additions:

< 1><0x00000123>    DW_TAG_class_type
                       DW_AT_name                  TMyClass
                       DW_AT_byte_size             0x00000010
< 2><0x0000012e>      DW_TAG_inheritance
                         DW_AT_accessibility         DW_ACCESS_public
                         DW_AT_data_member_location  DW_OP_plus_uconst 0
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x00005122>
< 2><0x00000137>      DW_TAG_member
                         DW_AT_name                  FProp
                         DW_AT_data_member_location  DW_OP_plus_uconst 8
                         DW_AT_accessibility         DW_ACCESS_private
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 2><0x00000146>      DW_TAG_member
                         DW_AT_name                  FPropIsStored
                         DW_AT_data_member_location  DW_OP_plus_uconst 12
                         DW_AT_accessibility         DW_ACCESS_private
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057a7>
< 2><0x0000015d>      <Unknown TAG value 0x4230>
                         DW_AT_name                  IndividualItem
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3230>   <GOFF=0x0000020c>
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>
< 2><0x00000175>      <Unknown TAG value 0x4230>
                         DW_AT_name                  Prop
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3230>   <GOFF=0x000001ad>
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3232>   <GOFF=0x00000146>
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 2><0x00000187>      <Unknown TAG value 0x4230>
                         DW_AT_name                  OtherProp
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3230>   <GOFF=0x00000137>
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3231>   <GOFF=0x00000137>
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 2><0x0000019e>      <Unknown TAG value 0x4230>
                         DW_AT_name                  Item2
                         <Unknown AT value 0x3230>   <GOFF=0x0000020c>
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>
< 2><0x000001ad>      DW_TAG_subprogram
                         DW_AT_name                  GetProp
                         DW_AT_prototyped            yes(1)
                         DW_AT_external              yes(1)
                         DW_AT_accessibility         DW_ACCESS_protected
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
                         DW_AT_low_pc                0x00404840
                         DW_AT_high_pc               0x00404867
< 3><0x000001ce>        DW_TAG_formal_parameter
                           DW_AT_name                  this
                           DW_AT_location              0x7678 DW_OP_breg6-8
                           DW_AT_artificial            yes(1)
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x00000110>
< 3><0x000001dc>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  $result
                           DW_AT_location              0x7674 DW_OP_breg6-12
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 3><0x000001ec>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  GETPROP
                           DW_AT_location              0x7674 DW_OP_breg6-12
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 3><0x000001fc>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  RESULT
                           DW_AT_location              0x7674 DW_OP_breg6-12
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 2><0x0000020c>      DW_TAG_subprogram
                         DW_AT_name                  GetItem
                         DW_AT_prototyped            yes(1)
                         DW_AT_external              yes(1)
                         DW_AT_accessibility         DW_ACCESS_protected
                         DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>
                         DW_AT_low_pc                0x00404870
                         DW_AT_high_pc               0x00404889
< 3><0x0000022d>        DW_TAG_formal_parameter
                           DW_AT_name                  this
                           DW_AT_location              0x7670 DW_OP_breg6-16
                           DW_AT_artificial            yes(1)
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x00000110>
< 3><0x0000023b>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  $result
                           DW_AT_location              0x766806 
DW_OP_breg6-24 DW_OP_deref
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>
< 3><0x0000024c>        DW_TAG_formal_parameter
                           DW_AT_name                  Index
                           DW_AT_location              0x7678 DW_OP_breg6-8
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000000f3>
< 3><0x0000025a>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  GETITEM
                           DW_AT_location              0x766806 
DW_OP_breg6-24 DW_OP_deref
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>
< 3><0x0000026b>        DW_TAG_variable
                           DW_AT_name                  RESULT
                           DW_AT_location              0x766806 
DW_OP_breg6-24 DW_OP_deref
                           DW_AT_type                  <GOFF=0x000057c4>

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