[Dwarf-discuss] Does DWARF 5 specify which DW_LNCT content types are valid for directory entries?

David Anderson davea42@gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 01:10:17 GMT 2025

On 1/13/25 11:35, David Blaikie via Dwarf-discuss wrote:
> I guess Jon is referring to the  16th field in the header, "directories 
> (sequence of directory names)" which uses the same encoding system (but 
> a separate format field, so the directories can have different active 
> fields than the files) and there doesn't seem to be a list of what's 
> suitable in one and not the other.
> I don't feel too strongly about it - if someone finds a use case for 
> putting the more file-centric attributes on directories, I guess more 
> power to them? But equally having advice/suggestions if it helps someone 
> seems fine too...

My bad. John was quite precise in the question... but I misread it.

Seems to me that the types defined in Standard Content 
Descriptions are not all required. Optional.

DW_LNCT_directory_index is odd on a directory
though an opportunity for a compiler
to create nested references and an infinite loop of directory references 
(which would be caught immediately in testing).

DW_LNCT_timestamp is meaningless on a directory? So don't use it.
DW_LNCT_MD5 is meaningless on a directory too? Again, simply don't use it.

The whole point of the DW_LNCT was to make the fields
optional, I seem to recall.  Of course without
DW_LNCT_path an entry would be useless.


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of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio
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