[Dwarf-discuss] DWARF Issue 050808.2&body=Re: <ahref=http://dwarf.freestandards.org/ShowIssue.php

Michael Eager eager
Thu Feb 23 18:55:33 GMT 2006

Wu Zhou wrote:
> Hello, committee members
> Now that DWARF-3 had been published for a while, can I have the pleasure 
> to re-open this deferred issue?
> I don't see any action I can do from the net.  So I am asking here.
> Regards
> - Wu Zhou


We will consider revisions to the DWARF standard starting mid-year.

The proposal is somewhat vague.  I'm personally unclear
why there is a need for an new TAG.  Saying Stabs does something
one way so DWARF should do the same is not persuasive.

Is there a reason why using DW_TAG_entry_point doesn't work?
Would an attribute work as well?

In general, proposals which have been implemented are preferred.

Michael Eager	 eager at eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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