[Dwarf-Discuss] OpenMP back-traces

Andrew Cagney andrew.cagney@gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 15:54:31 GMT 2009


I've been looking at OpenMP and it appears to have a backtrace
challenge similar to that of nested functions - conceptually the
OpenMP threads result in a stack tree vis:

    1          2
    1          2
     \          /
      \       /

Worker thread's 1 and 2 include closure information that let them
refer to variables on the Main thread's stack.  This is typically
implemented as disjoint threads vis:
    M    1    2
    M    1    2
     *    *    *
     *    *    *
("*" represents system stack information) and each thread contains
some sort of thread chain pointer.  In such an implementation, the
backtrace for thread 1 or 2 would include system frames and not the
Main's stack as the user expects.  Has any one explored ways to
describe the stack tree?  Perhaps something similar to


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