[Dwarf-Discuss] DwarfExtensions

David Anderson davea42@earthlink.net
Thu Jul 26 14:22:36 GMT 2012

On 07/26/2012 03:11 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> Hi,
> For the elfutils project (https://fedorahosted.org/elfutils/), which
> includes libdw a DWARF consumer library used by programs like perf,
> systemtap and the dwarves tools, I wrote up a wiki page with all the
> DWARF extensions known to the library:
> https://fedorahosted.org/elfutils/wiki/DwarfExtensions

Some comments.

Some of the DW_AT_MIPS extensions were invented in the mid 1990's at SGI but 

were never emitted.  No SGI compiler emitted them that I am aware of
(I was in the compiler group 1988-2006 and responsible for libdwarf and 
for SGI debuggers
among other things).   These were given the designation MIPS (instead of 
because we thought that was just a better thing to do.


are in the class of attributes that were never implemented at SGI/MIPS. 
So I doubt if anyone
ever emitted them.  The implied compiler optimizations were done at SGI 
in-period, but no
DWARF was emitted describing the optimizations.

The mips_extensions pdf (written by me at SGI
in-period and still distributed with libdwarf and dwarfdump)  which 
what some of the original MIPS
extensions (only a couple of which were widely used)
meant. (I emailed Mark the pdf in separate email).

Corrections are welcome.

David Anderson

I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. -- Henny Youngman

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