[Dwarf-Discuss] Segment selectors for the range list table.

Xing GUO higuoxing@gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 02:39:18 GMT 2020

Hi there,

The DWARFv5 spec mentioned that there might be segment selectors in
the range list entries and when the segment_selector_size is 0, the
segment selectors are omitted from the range list entries. However, it
didn't mention how the segment selector should be encoded when the
segment_selector_size isn't 0. Can anyone help me figure it out?
Thanks a lot!

7.28 (page 243)
The segment size is given by the segment_selector_size field of the
header, and the address size is given by the address_size field of the
header. If the segment_selector_size field in the header is zero, the
segment selector is omitted from the range list entries.


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